Paradigm, the Planet : How It’s Done
In the previous post I mentioned how I wanted to “set the stage” by building inwards, starting super-macro level with constructing a solar system and planet. Then I could place things on my theoretical globe and run with it.
What I failed to mention is how difficult this work has been. In pursuit of realism I’ve tried to construct the world using actual (astro)physics and math. And I’ve been putting off this post in particular. A year or so ago I had suffered through all of the math and construction, and failed. I’ll explain below what happened, but I ended up putting the notes aside and moving to work on something else. Needless to say the break from this topic was much needed.
When I returned to the topic of space-physics (writing this post) I realized I had lost my notes. So I had to build content on a topic I have particular difficulty with, and I didn’t have any of my previous work to help me. And if you’ve ever had to rewrite a lost paper or start work over after losing previous drafts, you’ll know the feeling of annoyance that the “new” work you’re creating is close to what you wrote first, but frustratingly not the same.
In preparing for this post, I found my notes. And there was much rejoicing. Below I’ll still do my best to explain my methodology, but certain numbers I choose may seem pulled out of thin air; assume I’ve chosen those numbers using real work references.
I sat down to continue my work in the previous post (The Solar System) and finish up organizing Paradigm’s cosmic neighbors. After finding my lost notes, I looked between my two files and arbitrarily chose to focus on the planet Paradigm first. Honestly, this is probably because of my lingering trepidation at the disaster that was The Solar System (explanation to come when I publish the work). So, let’s build a planet.
Paradigm “the planet” is going to be the life-sustaining planet of this world. I want Paradigm to orbit a sun (suns) rather than another planet (as a satellite planet) because I like how it looks. Satellite planets could reasonably sustain life; a good friend offered Yavin 4 and Endor from Star Wars as good examples of satellites.
I don’t want to deviate too far from Earth-like conditions for Paradigm (at least on the planet’s surface). So the planet’s size (mass?) is going to be roughly the Earth’s. This note is important since I’d like gravity of Paradigm to be Earth-like.
When I did this planet research, I found the hurdle of “this is very advanced research for me”. Though out of my depth I still pressed on. And once I felt I had decided everything I double-checked my work, only to learn that somewhere I had made mistakes (the math didn’t work out correctly). So this time around, correcting that error is my biggest hurdle.
The Process
Since I’m about to build a planet, I figure some good space ambiance is required. Let’s strap on our astronaut suits and get set to explore the unknown. Round 2 of building a planet, here we go.
1. Get Scrap Paper. A lot of scrap paper. Relive (for better or worse) your middle school math homework days. I’m going to do my best to explain the math here.
Let’s start where I did, with Artifexian and his worldbuilding videos. First up: terrestrial planets. By terrestrial we mean rocky planets: planets that have a silicate or metallic core like the Earth’s. Compare this with gas planets, ice planets, lava planets, ocean planets, or the theoretical (undiscovered) planet types.
2. Follow along with Artifexian. I’ll put up timestamps from his video when there’s information to go over. I’ll still try to summarize his information here, but again I’m pulling a lot of these numbers from his work.
First at (0:24) we’re given Artifexian’s planetmaker equation and planet mass graph from Seager et. al 2007’s paper (for a full explanation watch his first video on terrestrial planets). Artifexian gives us his equation with some habitable planet ranges (1:22):
Me = 0.1 <-> 3.5
Re = 0.5 <-> 1.5
ge = 0.4 <-> 1.6
g is the force of gravity, M the planet’s mass, R the radius, and ρ (rho) the planet’s density. The subscript e is referring to Earth: as an example Me is the mass of Earth (roughly 5.972e24 kg).
(I’m using scientific notation en to shorten “times the nth power of ten” *10n)
Remember here that these numbers are all relative to Earth, and are therefore huge. 0.01 Me = 5.9722e22 kg (50 sextillion kilograms) and 0.01 Re = 63.78 kilometers.
Making small changes to these numbers (to get a planet that is Earth-like) will result in massive differences.
Two notes here:
i. Yes I’m using metric. A lot of the physics we’re dealing with is in metric units, and I don’t want to convert between metric and imperial mid-math.
ii. In terms of significant figures and rounding, my notes are going to be four or five decimal places. I’d rather have more decimals than too few.
Finishing the video, we’ll be dismayed to see that this is all the information we get. Referencing the chart from Seager et. al 2007’s paper (pg 21, fig. 4) is a little tough as well. So let’s work with what we have.
Don’t forget that the units we’re working with are Earth-masses and Earth-radii. We can deal with these numbers for now, but keep in the back of your mind that these are all multiplied by Earth’s relative value to find the actual size.
3. Pick some numbers. Now it’s time to make decisions. We need the planet’s mass, radius, and gravity (in Earth units for now). Our constraints for those three numbers are as Artifexian gave us:
Me = 0.1 <-> 3.5
Re = 0.5 <-> 1.5
ge = 0.4 <-> 1.6
If I wasn’t being complicated enough with all of this, I want to start with one of my wants: I want Paradigm to be 25% larger than Earth. 25% larger here refers to the Earth’s volume (V = 4/3 π r3), so I want a planet with 1.496 Re.
(I solved the equation for volume in terms of r; feel free to just pick a number)
4. Check your work. Spot check 1.496 Re: I want a planet with a volume larger than the Earth, so the radius should be bigger than the Earth’s radius (1 Re). Good. This also just makes the radius cutoff above (R < 1.5), so I’m close but good.
The next part I’ll make easy for myself: the gravity will be the same as the Earth’s. I don’t want to mess with designing a world that has more or less gravitational force.
I can plug that into the “planetmaker equation” (g = M/R2 = R(ρ) ), using g = 1ge (remember this is “1 times Earth’s gravity”; it’s a unit in of itself). I get 2.239 Me.
Spot check 2.239 Me: a planet with a larger volume and the same gravity needs to have a larger mass than Earth. If it was the same mass or less, the density would be less and therefore the gravity would be less (the same mass spread over a larger area). I’m still within the Earth-mass bounds (0.1 > M > 3.5), so it’s still looking good.
This all means for Paradigm ℗ I have:
Mp = 2.239 Me
Rp = 1.496 Re
gp = ge
If you’re curious (like I am), in metric that’s:
(here I recommend using Wolfram Alpha to do the math for you)
Mp = 1.337e25 kg
Rp = 9.541e3 km (9,541.488 km)
gp = 9.807 m/sec2
I’m afraid this post, like my last post, will be a bit long and bland. This kind of organizational work isn’t very exciting. Hopefully in a post or two I’ll have the boring work nailed down, and I can get to the fun and interesting stuff to write. Thanks for keeping up with me.